30 08, 2021

How Long Do You Go to Jail for Domestic Violence in Florida?

2024-04-02T07:14:32+00:00August 30, 2021|0 Comments

Have you been arrested for domestic violence charges in Florida? If so, you are most likely facing time behind bars if you are convicted. Under Florida law, judges must impose mandatory minimum jail sentences for those convicted of first-degree misdemeanor domestic battery. There are also more severe felony domestic violence offenses [...]

24 06, 2021

How to Get a Domestic Violence Charge Expunged in Florida

2024-04-02T07:10:52+00:00June 24, 2021|3 Comments

If you are facing a domestic violence charge in Florida, you are probably concerned for your future. Being convicted of a domestic violence-related crime can have a negative impact on your job prospects, housing options, or even educational opportunities. It can also negatively influence your personal life. Unfortunately, you cannot have your [...]

28 12, 2020

What to Do if You are Wrongfully Accused of Child Abuse

2024-04-02T07:04:42+00:00December 28, 2020|5 Comments

Child abuse is one of the most devastating crimes a person can commit. Prosecutors take child abuse cases incredibly seriously. Unfortunately, not all defendants charged with child abuse are guilty. Many times, child abuse defendants have been falsely accused by their partners or soon-to-be-ex-spouses. Going through a divorce is an emotional time [...]

25 11, 2020

New Gun Owners Should Review Their State’s Gun Crimes Laws

2024-04-02T06:58:00+00:00November 25, 2020|3 Comments

Gun sales have skyrocketed across the country in the wake of the election and concern about civil unrest. The FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System has shown a 41% increase in activity this year, compared to 2019. They have processed nearly 30 million background checks between January and the end [...]

30 10, 2020

Five Tips for Fighting Drug Possession Charges

2024-04-02T06:42:33+00:00October 30, 2020|13 Comments

Drug possession is a serious crime no matter where in the country you live, and a conviction can have serious ramifications for your future. If you are found in possession of an illegal controlled substance such as heroin, methamphetamine, or cocaine, you will face serious third-degree felony charges. If convicted, you [...]

19 10, 2020

The Difference Between Assault, Battery, and Domestic Violence

2024-04-02T06:37:38+00:00October 19, 2020|6 Comments

Assault, battery, and domestic violence crimes are all commonly mistaken for each other. These crimes have different elements and people frequently mix them up. If you have been accused of one of these crimes, it is wise to understand what your criminal charges mean, and what the prosecutor will need to prove to [...]

16 07, 2020

Attorneys Mark and Donna Solomon Secure an Appellate Victory in a Contempt Case

2024-04-02T06:31:39+00:00July 16, 2020|3 Comments

Two years ago, a Palm Beach County lawyer named John Carter asked County Judge Marni Bryson to disqualify herself due to her history with a particular case. The judge convicted the lawyer of contempt of court and sentenced him to a month in jail. Appellate attorney Donna Solomon and her husband Mark Solomon represented [...]

30 06, 2020

Five Commonly Charged Sex Crimes in South Florida

2024-04-02T06:24:40+00:00June 30, 2020|3 Comments

Facing sex crimes charges in South Florida can be extremely difficult. Even if you are innocent and the charges are dismissed, the stigma of being charged can stay with you for a long time. Understanding the different types of Florida sex crimes is important. If you have been charged with a sex [...]

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